Společnost aeqoom technologies integrovala dva sortery od Böwe Systec do provozu PNS. V čem byla tato realizace jedinečná?

We started the project in June of last year. From PNS's perspective, it was a significant infrastructure project. Especially in the area of remittance, it was the first solution of its kind in Europe, which required close communication with the development department at Böwe Systec's manufacturing plant. A big challenge was to navigate through all the restrictions brought on by COVID-19 without any loss of momentum. Due to the situation in the autumn of last year, we had to handle everything through electronic communication.

You put the first sorter into trial operation in August, and it was fully deployed in the fall. Magazine Logistika experienced launch of the second sorter at the beginning of this year (we wrote about the project in detail in the March issue). What were the specifics of launching the sorter lines? What activities and tasks needed to be precisely fine-tuned in the trial mode?

Due to limited travel and general restrictions in Bavaria, several things could not be realized in the usual manner. Paper is a specific medium, and the mix of sorted shipments is also unique. Our technical department had to fine-tune all the mechanical innovations remotely with the development department in Augsburg.

Sortery mají potenciál i v oblasti reverzní logistiky, což se v případě realizace v PNS potvrdilo.

Yes, this mainly applies to the identification of products for the purpose of restocking and subsequent consolidation of these shipments for further distribution. This particularly applies to magazines with higher added value for readers. With it comes a longer lifespan and a higher need for redistribution. PNS replaced the previous two-step process with the current one-step online processing. A solution based on such a principle makes sense not only for magazines, but also for footwear or clothing, for example. Everything is also audited through camera reading and software solutions.

I assume that your custom-made software has been refined through trial operation. Could you please elaborate on the challenges involved in integrating it with the internal IT systems of PNS?

A largepart of the functionality was developed specifically for the project, exceptfor the sorting strategy software and integration. Since PNS has modern ITsystems, integration was straight forward. We added connectors to the mostcommonly used ERP systems on the Czech market developed long before the startof this project. Therefore, it was merely a matter of configuring the system onour part.

For software projects, a good analysis and overall implementation speed are essential. Thanks to our consulting know-how and the maturity of our platform, we can fully meet these expectations. The advantage of external development compared to internal development is mainly expertise. By being fast in implementation, we achieve another, equally important goal. Our solution must be economically advantageous compared to internal development, in other words, cheaper.

Implementace čtecí technologie asi také není pouze rutinní úkon.

Reading is one thing, but online database operations are another. Two Simex Flexi machines can process up to 60,000 products per hour. From a database perspective, this translates to 16 database queries per second. In terms of overall database operations, this project is one of the largest logistics projects in the Czech Republic. Even the camera reading in this project is not merely a reading of barcodes. Simultaneously with the codes, the photographs of the products are scanned and stored in the database.

Zaujalo mě, že jste pro PNS vyvinuli též vozíky urychlující transport časopisů a obálek mezi jednotlivými pracovišti. Doménou aeqoomu jsou softwarová řešení.

V logistice musí mít dobré řešení přesah. Software jde ruku v ruce se sortery a dopravníky. Současně ale také potřebujete vyřešit propustnost následných procesů.

The key criterion is not the throughput of sorters, but the throughput of the entire logistics centre. We developed carts tailored to achieve this goal.

Regarding the sorting systems provided by you, you also offer maintenance services. Could you elaborate on the specific maintenance requirements for Böwe Systec lines and what services are provided to clients following the installation of the systems?

Our company's motto "Implementing efficient solutions for your profit" can only be fully achieved if high-quality service follows smooth project implementation. Thanks to a sophisticated system of preventive maintenance scheduling, we minimize downtime caused by malfunctions. In case of any issues, we can contractually guarantee a response time of one hour from the reported problem and subsequent resolution within two hours from the report.

Our service department covers a wide range of equipment, from complex technologies and software solutions to simple conveyors. As for the financial aspect, we follow the general rule that our service can not only be of higher quality and faster but also financially advantageous compared to internal service provision with one's own resources. This way, our clients can fully focus on their core business.

Nasazení nových sorterů přinese PNS snížení provozních nákladů a zvýšení efektivity. Můžete přiblížit, jaký další potenciál díky nasazení porterů do budoucna získala?

A major added value of our solutions is the consolidation of shipments. Picking is a very labor-intensive and thus financially demanding process. By consolidating shipments on a sorter, you do not only speed up the process but also significantly reduce labor costs.

V PNS nyní vedle sebe koexistuje práce manuální a robotická. Do budoucna ale začne ještě více převládat ta robotická?

In projects, we generally adhere to the Pareto principle. We look for ways to solve 80 percent of the problems with 20 percent of the investment. In my opinion, 100 percent robotization is still a chimera in terms of return on investment for at least five to seven years. Although we look at the issue through this perspective, we still see tremendous potential for software robotics and hardware automation. In the overwhelming majority of cases, we achieve a return on investment of around 24 months in this area.

Je vámi dodané softwarové řešení otevřené dalším úpravám a vylepšením? Kdo je realizuje a můžete případně uvést příklady?

Our solution is analyzed, designed, integrated, and developed by our own team. Our software platform ae-sort enables easy, fast, and seamless integration into the customer environment thanks to its functionality, architecture, and advanced API interface. Changes, modifications, or extensions to the sorting logic can be easily and quickly made.

What is the expected lifespan of the production sorters supplied by Böwe Systec through your company, and what is the warranty period for them?

We place great emphasis on selecting the right technological partners. In the area of high-speed sorting and envelope handling, our partner is the German conglomerate Böwe Systec, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. Throughout its history, the company has been delivering high-quality and timeless products. We have the same high expectations of our other technological partners as well. As a result, we are able to service technologies that are up to 15 years old. Although we are relatively new to the logistics and e-commerce industry, we bring the principle of short return on investment and long technology lifespan to this market as well.

Jak se trh v oblasti třídicích linek v současné době z vašeho pohledu vyvíjí? Které trendy se prosazují? Lze český trh srovnávat se západoevropským, přestože je relativně menší?

Na českém trhu stále dominuje zpracování zásilek v pořadí, v jakém jsou ukládány do systému. Vytvoříte-li ale z objednávek dávky, dokážete v celé řadě případů odbavit rychleji výrazně více zákazníků, a to s nižším personálním zatížením. V západní Evropě je velmi rozšířené dávkové zpracování. K takovému způsobu zpracování potřebujete flexibilní Sorting Strategy Software. Ten jsme úspěšně vyvinuli. Naše flexibilní platforma s jednoduchým byznys modelem je progresivní a velmi efektivní. Programování je zde nahrazeno pouhým nastavením systému. Zvládne jej školená obsluha bez znalosti programování.

Jak se vaše společnost vyrovnává s výzvami, které přinesla doba koronavirová a snad již také nastupující doba pokoronavirová?

The arrival of COVID-19 took us, like everyone else, by surprise. Our company had already been using a system of a suitable combination of remote and office work long before Covid. It was nothing new for us. We have been practicing it internally for several years. However, the novelty came in communication with clients. It was almost exclusively moved to the electronic world. It turned out, for example, that such communication is very effective for project management. However, it also has its pitfalls. Last year has confirmed that every project has milestones when it is necessary to discuss everything calmly at one table.

Does the increasing competition between e-shops and the pressure for speed and reliability in delivering orders lead to higher demand for your services?

E-commerce businesses are experiencing unprecedented growth. It is natural that they continue to devote a large part of their time and potential to developing and utilizing business opportunities. However, as turnover grows, so do costs. The increasing competition is putting significant pressure on efficiency. This is where we come in. We are already working with a number of clients on changing their internal processes.

Last year, you noted that if Czech companies start using the same technologies as those in Western Europe, they must necessarily succeed due to lower personnel costs and their talent. Is this happening?

Věřím, že se tak začíná dít. Mám z toho velkou radost a držím všem palce. Nelze si ale v evropském kontextu nevšimnout českého paradoxu. Tím je nepoměr délky obchodního cyklu v poměru s délkou návratnosti investic. Srovnejme si situaci na našem trhu například s Nizozemskem. My dosahujeme u většiny projektů návratnosti investice kolem dvou let. V tom jsme srovnatelní.

However, if we look at the length of the sales phase, we find that we are significantly lagging behind. The Czech paradox lies in the fact that the average length of the sales phase for projects in our country is longer than the investment return period. This is not the case, for example, in the Netherlands, where companies are able to make decisions significantly faster. In this context, they still have a significant advantage over Czech companies.

Can you reveal some of your plans for the near future?

Plány bych rozdělil do několika oblastí. V oblasti softwaru v létě uvádíme nový release našeho Sorting Strategy Softwaru. Začali jsme pracovat na řešení plánujícím interní logistické procesy na bázi predikce. To je pro nás velká výzva.

Snažíme se také hledat cesty vedoucí ke zkvalitnění našich obchodně-konzultačních služeb. A na podzim otevíráme Solution LAB. Vzniká v naší montážní a produkční hale. Zde bude možné prověřit běžná technická úskalí jednotlivých zákaznických projektů v praxi.

I v oblasti servisu se naše služby dynamicky vyvíjí. Rozšiřujeme nejen portfolio servisovaných technologií, ale i forem poskytování servisu.

Since last year, your service technicians have been using a fleet of eco-friendly vehicles. Is your company aiming for carbon neutrality?

I think it is time for all of us to seriously consider the sustainability of our civilization's development. This applies to business, lifestyle, and the environment. We have approached this issue comprehensively.

V první fázi jsme správným mixem využívání home officu a práce v kanceláři výrazně snížili nevyužité a neproduktivní časy na cestách. V těchto dnech dokončujeme druhou fázi. Tou je elektrifikace naší flotily aut. V průběhu posledního roku jsme ji modernizovali, klasické spalovací motory nahradily plug-in hybridy a elektromobily. Jsem moc rád, že všichni kolegové v naší firmě přistoupili k tomuto projektu s vážností. Speciálně u plug-in hybridů je velmi důležitá vedle strategie dobíjení také disciplína řidiče.

The results are very interesting. Hybrids and electric cars now make up 90 percent of our fleet. If we calculate this number based on the total kilometers driven, it is also 90 percent. Overall fuel costs have decreased by 65 percent, proportionally to the same mileage. The third phase of the project is currently underway, where we are installing a photovoltaic power plant that can produce 100 percent of the energy needed for our back-office operations. In addition to the positive impact of this project on the environment, we have also achieved very interesting savings. We have taken the first step towards carbon neutrality and confirmed that the terms "ecological" and "economic" do not have to be mutually exclusive.

Zdroj: Ekonom Logistika

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