Jaký problém jsme řešili

The number of returned shipments in Europe has increased by 95% in the last 5 years. This forces many companies to minimize the costs of reverse logistics and their impact on the environment. This also applies to ABOUT YOU, an e-shop with a turnover of 1.755 billion EUR and an expected year-on-year growth rate of around 30%, making it one of the largest European players. The satisfaction of their customers largely depends on fast delivery and hassle-free returns.

The Fashion & Beauty segment, in which ABOUT YOU operate, is the industry most affected by returns, with up to 56% of items being returned. Our task at Hermes Fulfilment was to expand the logistics capacities to be able to handle the expected volumes in a five-year horizon.

Hermes Fulfilment realizací tohoto projektu dosáhl požadovaného zdvojnásobení výrobní kapacity se současným výrazným snížením provozních nákladů.

Byznys popis řešení od aeqoom

We were challenged by Hermes Fulfilment to minimize the environmental impacts of their project. We maximized the use of their existing conveyor systems by refurbishing them, adding new components, and integrating the solution with a new electrical installation and a new PLC system. We also integrated SCADA and TPM systems into the overall architecture. Through our integration platform, the solution is ready for the implementation of Industry 4.0 principles.

Na celou dodávku zajišťuje servisní tým aeqoom taktéž v režimu 16x5x365 následnou maintenance.

Jak projekt dopadl

  • Zrychlilo se třídění zásilek
  • Výrazně se snížily provozní náklady
  • Zefektivnil se monitoring a plánování celého procesu

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